Mental Health Week at BTP October 11th-15th

24 Mar 2022

Mental Health Awareness week promotes the importance of mental health and wellbeing, to reduce associated stigma, and to celebrate the service of mental health workers. This year’s theme was, ‘Take Time – for Mental Health’. In order to encourage the tough conversations with colleagues, friends and family, BTP by Graystone arranged several activities throughout Brisbane Technology Park for people to part-take and enjoy taking some time for their mental health during Mental Health Awareness Week, Monday 11th to Friday 15th October.

Day one of BTP’s Mental Health Week was ‘Good coffee doing good’ with BTP by Graystone donating $1 for every coffee purchased from Sipon29 at 29 Brandl Street on the Monday of mental health week. Thank you to all those who took the time to treat yourself and your colleagues to a coffee and a chat. From this, we donated $170 to Beyond Blue to continue their mission to improve the lives of individuals, families and communities who are affected by anxiety, depression, and suicide.

On the Tuesday and Thursday of BTP’s Mental Health Week, there were early morning yoga sessions, run by local instructor Rikky from Lumaflow in Sunnybank. Rikky took attendees through simple, yet effective yoga flows to help improve overall wellbeing, stretch out the body and promote calmness before going into the work day. Once limbered up, participants then enjoyed a special post-yoga breakfast deal together at Black Ink café at 4 Clunies Ross Court.

To round out the week, the final day of mental health week concluded with a special visit from the Softy & Frosty Icecream van where tenants working within the precinct were able to treat themselves to the taste of nostalgia with a delicious soft serve icecream and an array of toppings.

The BTP Wellness Treasure Hunt was a daily activity that the tenants of BTP could participate in. Each day a box was hidden somewhere within the precinct, then a cryptic clue was shared in the Business and Technology Precinct by Graystone Facebook Page for the box’s location. This exercise was designed to encourage cognitive thinking, team work and the opportunity for tenants to explore the precinct while searching for the hidden wellness treasure box. The box was filled with items intended to support rest, and managing mental wellbeing including; healthy snacks, a stress ball, a 1 month subscription voucher to Audible, a gift card for Fitness First Eight Mile Plains, tea, candles and vouchers to spend at multiple eateries within BTP.

Overall, the week was a success, and we greatly appreciate all those who participated not only in the activities throughout the week, but in conversations surrounding mental health and wellbeing with their colleagues, friends and families.

If you feel that you may be affected by depression or anxiety, remember there is always support available. For resources, see below:


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